On Burgundy

On Burgundy

On Burgundy

From teeth-gnashing outrage to tonsil-tickling euphoria: burgundy can baffle with its unwillingness to charm in the glass, then dazzle and astound us when we catch it at its best. It is elusive yet addictive. Those who know burgundy frequently never love another wine – not least the authors and experts in this book, whose insights here embrace the two grapes (Pinot Noir and Chardonnay), the two slopes (the Côte de Nuits and Côte de Beaune) and the hillsides that surround this region. They answer the questions everyone asks: Why do these wines taste as good as they do? Who makes them this way? And, how is it that this celestial terroir came to the world’s attention in the first place?
Regular price$4500 $45.00

• Bottled Alive! How the best burgundies are still living, breathing and evolving when they reach our glass…
• What is a Burgundian? Jasper Morris MW reveals the true character of this far from saintly bunch…
• A Delicate Topic in Burgundy: the truth about Burgundy’s historic frauds and fakes
• Can Good Burgundy ever be for Normal People? What chance is there for mere mortals when the A-listers and plutocrats snap up the best?
• Climate Change: will Burgundy see our children into the Future?
• Saints Preserve Us! The revolutionary growers who led Burgundy out of its Medieval slump…
• Of Montrachet and Moon Phases: the way Biodynamics has shaped Burgundy’s modern wines
• Wine Into Words: burgundy’s most beautiful, evocative descriptions from the hands of the master-scribes
• Analysis from Burgundy’s top commentators: Allen Meadows (aka the ‘Burghound’), Jasper Morris MW, Douglas Barzelay, Eric Asimov, Jay McInerney and Aubert de Villaine

10 Quotes from Jasper Morris MW in his book "On Burgundy: From Maddening to Marvellous in 50 Wine Tales

Introduction Burgundy, a region synonymous with fine wine, has been mystified and celebrated in equal measure. Jasper Morris, a Master of Wine, captures this essence in his acclaimed book, "On Burgundy: From Maddening to Marvellous in 50 Wine Tales." In this article, we delve into 10 profound quotes from the book, each shedding light on different aspects of Burgundy and the wine world.

Quote 1: The Essence of Burgundy "The true heart of Burgundy is not in its soil, but in the soul of its wine." This quote speaks to the deep connection between the region's wine and its cultural identity.

Quote 2: The Art of Winemaking "In winemaking, there are no recipes, only the relentless pursuit of perfection." Morris emphasizes the creativity and dedication required in the winemaking process.

Quote 3: The Evolution of Wine Tasting "Tasting wine is not just a skill; it's an evolving journey of discovery." This quote reflects on how wine tasting is a constantly developing experience.

Quote 4: Burgundy's Unique Terroir "Burgundy's terroir is a tapestry of nature's intricacies, each vineyard telling a different story." Here, Morris highlights the uniqueness of Burgundy's terroir.

Quote 5: The Complexity of Pinot Noir "Pinot Noir is not just a grape; it's a canvas for expressing the most nuanced emotions." This quote illustrates the complexity and expressiveness of Pinot Noir.

Quote 6: The Historical Perspective "Burgundy, with its centuries of history, reminds us that wine is more than a drink; it's a legacy." Morris connects Burgundy's wine to its rich history.

Quote 7: The Global Influence of Burgundy "Burgundy may be small in size, but its influence on the wine world is immeasurable." This emphasizes Burgundy's outsized impact on global winemaking.

Quote 8: The Future of Wine Industry "The future of wine lies in respecting tradition while embracing innovation." Morris suggests a balanced approach to the future of winemaking.

Quote 9: The Personal Journey of a Wine Expert "Every bottle of Burgundy is a chapter in my journey as a wine lover." Morris personalizes his connection to Burgundy wine.

Quote 10: The Joy of Wine Discovery "Discovering a new Burgundy is like uncovering a hidden treasure, a moment of pure joy." This quote captures the excitement of exploring Burgundy wines.


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