Wine Industry Career Series: Inflation Busting Wine Education

biggy bank with wine glass full of change

By Karen Wetzel


Has inflation left you with more ‘month’ than ‘money’ these days? Do you find yourself cutting down on coffee runs or grabbing wine from the bottom shelf at the grocery store to save a buck? When the budget gets tight, taking wine classes might feel like a big splurge, but there are ample ways to expand your wine knowledge while beating inflation. Below are some ideas that will have you laughing all the way to the bank:

Free Educational Articles, Videos, Webinars, Interviews, and Podcasts are easy to find and provide loads of content enabling you to learn about almost every aspect of the wine world. All you need is an internet connection and a search engine.

Budget-Friendly Memberships focused on wine education are popping up everywhere and, for about the same cost as a glass of wine per month, you can immerse yourself into the world of wine through various programs.

  • Membership at the Napa Valley Wine Academy brings you a best-in-class learning experience with some of the world’s foremost wine experts and allows you to immerse yourself into our fully customizable program. It includes classes, interviews, documentaries, and more. And we keep it fresh by adding new content all the time.
  • SommTV is another program that keeps you learning about your favorite subject
  • Wine Spectator is another great membership that offers content and courses to members.

Free wine courses, resources, and certificates take a little research but your investment in time will pay off. Here are just a few suggestions:

Wine Education Scholarships are for the more serious student but can take you from beginner to expert without breaking the bank. The list of available wine scholarships is almost endless, and there is something for everyone.

Experts say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in almost any field. So, don’t let a little thing like inflation slow you down. Push the peddle to the metal and keep pursuing your passion for wine.

For one-on-one career coaching with Karen Wetzel directly click here. And be sure to check out Wine, Work & Passion, the podcast where we inspire you to make a career out of your passion for wine. Available on the Apple Podcast app or wherever you listen to podcasts.


Karen Wetzel is an employee of the Napa Valley Wine Academy. The views expressed in this article are hers alone and may not reflect the views of the Napa Valley Wine Academy.